Saturday, December 10, 2011

A New Start for the NEOBN Blog


Since 2003, I have hosted basic information about Northeast Ohio Buddhist News on my Cox account's Personal Web Space. Suddenly, Cox has deleted that service completely, and those archival pages have all simply disappeared.

Luckily, I saved the chart of regularly scheduled meditation sittings -- just have to change it into a new format.

For the last two years, NEOBN has been active as a Facebook page, and that is working pretty well at:

But people who don't belong to Facebook often think they can't access FB pages (or they just don't want to get on FB because of various anxieties). And I regularly hear that folks would like to receive an e-mail newsletter again. I'll have to think about that... it's more work than you think to publish a newsletter.

Still, I recognize the need for another online location for this information service -- if only so we have a backup to Facebook.

So let's see if I can get the FB account and this Blog hooked up somehow. I still have to translate the weekly list of Buddhist meditation sittings into this format. Once I've got that done I'll try to get the word out.

Jiden Lynne B.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Time for a Facebook Alternative

For the past 2 years, I've been maintaining NEOBN on Facebook. Now comes a new "Pages" design that is going to scramble the order of posts. Instead of presenting them in chronological order, they will be sorted by some mysterious algorithm for "relevance."

With 280 people following NEOBN on FB, I would be very sorry to lose touch with them all if FB follows through with its ridiculous plan. So for the next few months, I'm going to cross post both on FB and here. If enough people cross over to following on this platform, I may wind down the FB page.

Still looking for a calendar or events listing application to integrate into this blog. Welcome your comments and suggestions.

Jiden Lynne B.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Each Day a New Beginning

This blog is on my mind all the time. But I haven't yet gotten into the swing of it. As soon as I get it going -- I will start putting the word out. May all buddha's and boddhisattvas be gracious and remove obstacles due to karmic effects. LB

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

NEOBN Starts Anew

I've taken more than a year off of producing the Northeast Ohio Buddhist News (formerly at I have wanted for some time to switch to a blog format. So let's see how this works out. I am looking for some kind of calendar software (free preferably) that would help people see what's coming up in a traditional calendar view.